My main goal in the bachelor’s courses is to teach the theoretical foundations necessary to understand the structure of matter, in its atomic and molecular constituents. I also provide my students with the scientific explanation of the phenomena underlying the transformation of food, with models suitable for the rigorous description of the stability and kinetic aspects. My educational objectives consist in i) providing simplified models that justify, with scientific rigor, the observed properties of food matter, and ii) describing the phenomena that lead to the transformation of substances. The quantitative aspects of the chemical reactions are importantly considered, accounting for the equilibria involved in chemical transformations through the use of stoichiometric equations. I emphasise the concept of spontaneity in the acid-base, redox and precipitation reactions, as well as the meaning of the experimental results in various quantitative analysis.

My main objective in the master’s course is to teach the theory behind the links between the molecular structure of proteins and the biochemical processes which they are involved in, with particular reference to the bioinorganic aspects of metallo-enzymes and metallo-proteins. I committ myself to provide training on the use of spectroscopic and bioinformatics tools to obtain the information necessary to determine the chemical modifications of the structure of macromolecules, especially proteins, within foods.

The courses I teach are:

Chemical Structures of Biological System, within the Master course in Food Science and Technology

Stoichiometry and Chemical Processes, within the Bachelor course in Food Technology

General Chemistry and Laboratory, within the Bachelor course in Sciences and Culture of Gastronomy