Are online classes as good as those in-person ?
“The university must be in person, no to online courses”, says Prof. Giovanni Molari.
I cannot agree more with my Rector. For those who, like me, are preparing to start the second cycle of university lessons, it is clear that the relationship between teacher and student must necessarily be one of proximity. There is nothing worse than thinking of the student as a follower to be raised in a battery, much less at a distance. Let’s be clear, an individual relationship is not conceivable today, but the teacher feels he has a complex creature in front of him, made up of the entire classroom, and adapts the lesson by reacting instantly to the impressions received from the entire group in front of him. And it doesn’t mean that everything has to be understandable at the moment, but we need to raise the bar so that there is everyone’s personal contribution. Then, the simultaneous presence, in the classroom, of many like them, on an equal footing, is an incentive to give more, receiving the comfort of not being alone. This humanistic goal cannot be achieved without physical co-presence. It doesn’t matter that, at the time, it is not perceived by the students as an added value, who, perhaps, would prefer the convenience of home lessons. However, the over thirty years of experience of a teacher, who has also experienced the drama of remote teaching, leaves no doubts, comforted by appreciations that arrive years later, with the maturity of those who reap the results thanks to that training ground of life . And speaking of maturity, I also don’t deny that for me too the experience of being a university student was fundamental to becoming socially independent, to loosening that umbilical cord that made me lazily anchored to my family environment. In short, there are a thousand reasons to aspire to attend university in person, and the State must ensure that it does not become a luxury good.