Learning across the time

Some time ago I came across this funny cartoon that traced a caricature of the evolution of the exercises assigned in a class test. I found it funny because it was exaggerated. In reality, the contents of the subjects taught are still substantial, despite the pressure that teachers, of all levels and grades, are subjected …

The University must be attended in person

Are online classes as good as those in-person ? “The university must be in person, no to online courses”, says Prof. Giovanni Molari.I cannot agree more with my Rector. For those who, like me, are preparing to start the second cycle of university lessons, it is clear that the relationship between teacher and student must …

On the legal value of the degree qualification

Do online degrees have the same value as those obtained at traditional universities? Do you like easy graduation? In Italy we have 11 online universities with over 140,000 more students enrolled in the ten years since their appearance. In the end, the title has the same legal value as a degree obtained by attending a …

Attractiveness & Stability

Stabilizing orange juice with natural additives Well, at the supermarket I found this orange juice obtained by simple squeezing, without the addition of additives to stabilize the suspension of pulp particles. Let’s get to the point, does this product attract the consumer? Some of those who appreciate the simplicity of the composition will certainly choose …

Foodomics: what does it mean

Foodomics is a scientific approach, integrating genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, applied to define the molecular profile of food and humans in a holistic way. By studying food consumption from a health perspective, foodomics creates knowledge helping to prevent diet related diseases. Although it is not a conventional analytical approach, foodomics is a system approach …